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Affichage des articles du mai, 2018

Back again ! ^o^

She's just an object, lifeless and empty. She's a taboo subject, hiding from society, under the sheets in an empty room. She can't be welcomed or accepted into the real world... She is a mask, she is my secret identity, my hidden character. Transforming into her, it's setting me free, liberated and cut off from the rest of the world. The silicone object becomes a real woman, I become her. Under my control, She feel emotions that simply aren't possible to my real state. I feel stroonger when I become her. She is my silicone armor, protecting me, releasing me from pressures of the real life, transforming into a completely different person, a different side of me, my feminie side. She is my little secret, she isn't just a mask, she is me. But things has changed, rules also. I support my character as a high level of realism that, now, I can go out to show her to the rest fo the world. I am working on cosplay that she could wear in cons.