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Affichage des articles du juin, 2018

Some changes

Well well well, I made some minor changes, and I think it's a little better. I mean, it's easier to read. It's just the beginning of a new chapter, but it was really important for me to clean this blog, in order to mark the start. I know that it's not a revolution, but I have to begin somewhere for a new start. It's done. ;)

Time for a change...

Hello everybody ! I was on internet and, I don't know why, I was thinking about changing a little my blog. Not a small change, but something very big, like a full redesign of this blog. Not only delete old links, but something very ... I don't know th name for that. Because of the massive upgrade of my female suit (now it's the 3.0), maybe it's time to make more news, like repainting walls. Well, it's an idea but I think I will do it.
Presentation of my Célia 3.0 I made a video to show you my upgrades on my female suit : not bad I think...