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Affichage des articles du avril, 2020

CoVid19, quarantine and home...

Hello everybody ! Well I know times are not good at all... We have a special virus who wants to kill everyone... No cure at the moment, we need to stay at home and wait until better days. If we need to go outside, we have to wear a mask... But we can stay at home with a mask too... It's cool you know. ^^ It was the perfect time to post this set of pictures. Imagine just a lazy girl at home on a sunday morning. She probably should wear lingerie and a white shirt... Maybe. She probably would read a very interesting book in socks... Maybe. She probably would act as a Hollywood star in front of her mirror with her plushy... Maybe. She probably would wait for you return on the bed with some nice toys... Maybe. Well no jokes, it's funny. Please be smart, please be safe, please tay at home !